As Your Computer Comes Online, And Your Schedule Shows An Upcoming Staff Meeting, Does Your Team

  • Operate in a project supportive culture where stories of aspiration, accomplishment, and success are woven into personal and professional growth while fostering rich relationships and knowledge sharing.
  • Enjoy low personnel turnover and a minimum of adverse actions.

  • Celebrate idea sharing, sustained evolution, innovation while embracing the inevitability of change.

The project management profession recognizes technical competency alone does not guarantee program or project success. Aptum Strategies Socially Intelligent Organization (SIO) methodology provides the capability to transform the culture of the organization toward building and sustaining high performing project teams.

Precepts Of A Socially Intelligent Organization

Course Length: 32 hours, The SIO methodology is presented in four modules. Each module is 8 hours duration.
Target Audience: Senior Leaders, Managers and Supervisors, Program Management Office Staff, Project Managers and team members involved in creating a culture for supporting high-performing teams.