Risk Management

Risk Management


Course Length: 16 hours 2 (Days)
Participants completing this course will understand how risk management addresses the fact certain events or conditions—whether expected or unforeseeable during the planning process—may occur with impacts on portfolio, program, and project objectives. These impacts can be positive or negative and may cause deviation from the intended objectives. Risk management processes allow for proactively planning to capture opportunities and limit threats. Key concepts addressed include:

  • Identifying the core principles for risk management;
  • Describing the fundamentals of risk management and the environment within which it is carried out;
  • Defining the risk management life cycle; and
  • Applying risk management principles to the portfolio, program, and project domains within the context of an enterprise risk management approach.

No. Of Participants


Managers and Supervisors, project management office staff, and project/program/portfolio managers involved in developing policies and procedures for implementing effective risk management for an organization.
Each participant is provided a copy of PMI’s Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs and Projects, along with templates and course slides for notes.

Additional information

Duration (Days)

1, 2