Intercultural Intelligence Analysis

Intercultural Intelligence Analysis


Course Length: 32 hours 4 (Days)
People have unique cultural preferences in the same way they have a unique personality driven behavioral style. Engaging people effectively requires us to look beyond the external clues that we have used for so long to put people in cultural boxes. These boxes are at best superficial and in most cases dangerously inaccurate. Although nationality, ethnicity and race are important factors in identity and ways to discuss broader topics of diversity, they are not always the best starting point to connect! If we start with the premise that every human being has their own unique cultural preference and set of lenses, it results in a powerful shift in our interaction.

No. Of Participants


Target Audience: Senior Leaders, Managers and Supervisors, Program Management Office Staff, Project Managers and team members involved in creating a culture for supporting high-performing teams.

Culture Transformation

As you conduct management by walking around and encounter your team members, are you confident: the existing culture;

  • Encourages people to bridge cultural differences and foster a culture for high-performing teams
  • Makes people less biased and more inclusive
  • Fosters trust and respect

Participants completing this course will better understand relationships between their culture, colleagues’ culture, and company culture;how to apply the information,toward building inter- cultural high performing teams delivering value for the organization. ICI Practitioners are bridge builders and are uniquely equipped to build a culture fostering high performing teams. Topics and tools covered include

The Three Meta Competencies for Inter-Cultural Awareness

The ICI Competency

A personal Cultural Mapping Inventory

Three Colors of Worldview Assessment

Additional information

Duration (Days)

1, 2, 3, 4